Contact information


Contact information

The office of the Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia is situated in Kokkola.

The office is open Mon-Fri from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.

Its postal address is Rantakatu 14, 67100 Kokkola

Telephone: +358 40 160 5700.

The official e-mail address is kirjaamo(at)

Personnel’s e-mail addresses: firstname.lastname(at)

Business ID: 0959806-1


Executive Director



Kaiponen Jyrki

Executive Director

+358 40 140 8995








Lahnalampi Anssi

Administrative Director

+358 40 832 0083


  • Theme responsibility for administrative services
  • General, financial, HR and real property duties

  • Responsibility for administrative matters, the decision-making procedure and document management
  • Payment decisions and verifications for structural fund projects



Kopsala Susanne

Management Secretary

+358 40 523 7504


  • General secretarial duties

  • Secretarial duties in the Maakuntaviesti sports competition


Känsälä Kai-Eerik

Culture Coordinator

+358 40 138 9038


  • Preparation of matters related to culture


Hotakainen Heidi

Payment Inspector

+358 40 686 1162


  • Payment and verification in structural fund and national development projects
  • Case administrative duties and IT support

  • Financial administrative duties


Luokkala Leena

Office Secretary

+358 507 7636


  • General office duties

  • Archive services


Tuurinmaa Harriet

Financial- and Personell Secretary 

+358 40 138 9048


  • Duties related to financial administration
  • Participation in payment inspections and project verifications in EU and national structural fund projects


Regional Development



Parkas Antti

Regional Development Planner

+358 40 504 6698

  • Preparation and supervision of structural fund projects

Rajala Riikka

Planner/International Affairs

+358 40 839 7601

  • internationalisation, international networks and coordination of funding from the EU's special programmes, Interreg programmes
  • coordination responsibility for the smart specialisation strategy, regional RDI cooperation
  • matters related to sport
  • association cooperation



Taskinen Hanna

Programme Coordinator

+358 400 260 688


  • Preparation and supervision of structural fund projects

  • Communications related to regional development and structural fund activities

  • Secretary of the Regional Cooperation Group and its secretariat

  • Information production for regional development programmes


Stefan Rannanpää

Regional Development Planner

+358 40 861 0063

  • financial and expert tasks related to EU Structural Funds activities and national projects

  •  promoting the implementation of the Central Ostrobothnian Competence Strategy 2025 and the Operational Program for Skilled Workforce for Central Ostrobothnia, and coordinating the activities of the Advisory Board for Skilled Workforce for Central Ostrobothnia

  • coordination of the Monitoring and Situation Picture theme group of the Central Ostrobothnian Regional Program
  • statistical monitoring and forecasting tasks concerning regional development in Central Ostrobothnia


Honkala Ville

Development Manager

+358 40 138 9058

  • regional development
  • duties related to the business sector and employment

  • stakeholder cooperation
  • region’s spearhead goals

  • participation in innovation activities and interest represention cooperation 
  • national development programmes and stuctural fund and cohesion funding



Land use


Kiviniemi Reijo

Regional Planning Manager

+358 40 138 9088

  • land use planning
  • regional land use planning
  • marine area planning
  • development of transport systems
  • maintenance and development of the geographical information system
  • administrative duties in structural fund projects



Interest representation




Rekilä Teppo

Director of Regional Vitality

+358 40 686 1163


  • RDI and sector research institute cooperation

  • Anticipation of training needs, digitalisation

  • Development of rural areas; the environment, natural resources and mineral extraction matters

  • Funding and specialist duties in structural fund projects







Johanna Kiviniemi

Planning Officer

+358 40 138 9031



  • Marketing and communication duties

  • Promoting tourism and the attractiveness of the region



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